Well its a new day. Lets me say that again, ITS A NEW DAY. To date chronic diseases are at a higher prevalence then every before. People are more sedentary and deconditioned then ever before. Obesity is at epic proportions, especially in the United States. Simply put, prospective clients are faced with many more physical limitations and health problems then ever before, and therefore health and fitness professionals must be more qualified and better equipped with the tools and knowledge to serve the deconditioned population. Its a different ball game now a days, a whole new can of worms so to speak. Here are a few stats on the condition of the U.S. population currently. Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death and disability in the U.S. coming in at 70%. This large increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases is mainly attributed to factors that are preventable such as lifestyle choices, and lack of preventive care. Simply, people are not moving enough. $1.7 Trillion a year goes toward treating those stricken with diseases such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases. Muscular dysfunctions are at an all time high currently as well. Musculoskeletal pain is much more common now compared to 40 years ago. The largest attributable cause to this rise is physical inactivity. Low back pain is affected nearly 80% of adults. 80,000 to 100,000 ACL injuries occur each year. On top of that, about 14 million people experience shoulder problems, 19 million have knee problems, and 11 million experience foot and ankle problems. More and more of the population sit for longer periods of time, providing an environment for poor posture, which places them at higher risks for injuries. Taking in all this information can be over-whelming when you think about it. However, it should not scare you but awaken you to the point that, many physical issues experienced can be prevented simply by exercising more, and eating better. Further, exercise training programs must include all the aspects of physical fitness to better serve the population that is faced with these injuries and diseases.
Now here is the hard truth. There are trainers out there that will not be able to effectively help you. They lack the ability to produce sound physical training programs that are based on sound research and guidelines. There are just to many training programs that I see that do more harm to the deconditioned population then good. It is because of this that I have designed this blog, and why I must make it a life priority to help others effectively and safely. Effective training programs must express stabilizing vital parts of the body ,such as the hips, upper thoracic and lower lumbar of the back, and neck. There also must be a progression of exercise selection, tempo, sets, loads, reps, and rest periods. The length to which training programs offer promotion to stabilizing the muscoloskeletal system correlates to the risk to injury. If our muscoloskeletal system is less conditioned , then the risk of injury dramatically increases and vice versa. It is important that our bodies perform at there highest potential without muscle imbalances, decreased flexibility, or lack of core and joint stabilization. All factors that can lead to human movement impairments, and further injury. What can the OPT model do for you? The optimum performance training program, was developed through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. It is a progressive, integrated training model designed to better serve a population riddled with more health conditions , and functional movement impairments then ever before. This model will effectively progress clients to their desired goals. Three categories of benefits are attributed to this systematic approach found in the OPT model. Optimum Performance Training provides Physiologic Benefits such as improved cardio-respiratory efficiency, enhanced beneficial hormone and cholesterol adaptations, increased metabolic efficiency, and increased bone density. Secondly, it provides Physical benefits such as decreased body fat, increased lean body mass, and increased tissue tensile strength in the tendons, ligaments and muscles. Lastly, OPT can provide Performance benefits such as strength, power, endurance, flexibility, speed, agility, and balance. Within the OPT model, there are three different levels of training. These are Stabilization, Strength, and Power. Each consists of phases. There are 5 total phases within the entire Optimum Performance Model. They are stabilization, strength endurance, hypertrophy, maximal strength, and power. (The next posts will discuss each phase in greater detail). Scientific Rationale of Human Movement Science is the basis for the entire Optimum Performance Training Model. Each level and phase has a specific purpose and adaptation it provides the client so that they may progressively meet their goals, while at the same time tailoring to the specific needs of the individual. Through Flexiblity, Core, Balance, Speed Agility, Plyometrics, Resistance, and Cardiorespiratory Training, the OPT model provides a well-rounded integrated training program. ( Look for future posts discussing the integrated training components in further detail).
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